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One of the +Resilient supporting legs is the open data technology, which is widely unknown by non-technical organizations and organisms. To try to mind this gap, this webinar aims to spread the knowledge of this technology and to show some uses of open data among the partners of the +Resilient Project and the pilot action stakeholders.
This topic is deemed to be useful both for public and private bodies interested in deepening their knowledge of Open Data and its potential usages.
In the first session of the Webinar our invited speaker will introduce the Open Data technology and where it comes from.
In the second session of the Webinar the participants will have an overview of the potential benefits of Open Data when dealing with public institutions and local governments.
Finally, in the third session the participants will get first-hand knowledge about some European initiatives that use open data to reach their objectives.
The webinar is open to everyone and free of charge, but registration is required.
Please register by January 29th, 2021 at latest. The announcement and registration form are available on the platform. Information will be sent to registered participants.
10.00 RESILIENT & OPEN DATA – Short introduction
10.10 SESSION 1: Where is this technology coming from?
10.30 SESSION 2: Using open data in local administration
11.45 SESSION 3: Some examples of usage of Open Data at European level