Temperature and humidity calibration

Temperature and humidity calibration

Temperature and humidity calibration

The Chemical-Physical and Microstructural Laboratory is oriented to the advanced characterization of materials of different nature and origin (metals, polymers, paint or coating, cellulose and paper, nanomaterials…) from the determination of their chemical, physical or structural properties.
Knowing the composition and structure of materials is of great value in the design of new materials, failure analysis of products or components or quality control.

  • Imagen calibraciones

    Thermometers, stoves, thermostats, recorders...

    Calibrations of thermometers, temperature and humidity equipment

    • Platinum Resistance Thermometers (Pt-100).
    • Rod, Analog and Digital Thermometers.
    • Temperature Recorders, Regulators and Thermographs.

  • Imagen calibraciones

    • Stoves, Ovens, Thermostatic Baths, Dry Block Ovens, Digesters, Thermocyclers, Freezers, Refrigerators, Climatic Chambers, Incubators, Thermal Installations, Climatic Rooms, etc.
    • Installations for the Thermal Treatment of wood, according to ISPM15(2009), Order AAA/458/2013 of March 11.
    • Thermocouples, Thermohygrometers, Hygrometers, Humidity Recorders (*) Autoclaves (*) Activities marked with (*) are not covered by ENAC accreditation.

ITAINNOVA laboratories
are accredited by ENAC.

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