Physiomate allows:

  • Objectify the diagnosis, independent of the subjective judgment of each medical specialist.
  • Reduce the cost of diagnosis:
  • The presence of the specialist during the entire test.
  • Re-diagnosis is avoided (objective).
  • Enables remote diagnosis.

Physiomate is easy to use. The patient performs the typical exercises used for the evaluation of the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, but this time in front of a camera, which collects the information from the exercise and transmits to a computer where the image is processed. The result of the treatment provides numerical data and a video of the execution, which respects the anonymity of the patient, which will serve as a basis for the physician to perform his or her diagnosis.

Parkinson’s is a disease suffered by 150,000 diagnosed patients in Spain and 1,200,000 in Europe, according to the European Brain Council, with high direct costs per patient/year that motivate the remarkable interest in business initiatives focused on making the treatment and monitoring of this neurodegenerative disease more efficient.

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The valorization of the R&D results generated by ITAINNOVA is 50% co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the Aragon ERDF Operational Program 2014-2020.

“Building Europe from Aragon”.
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

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