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Project Name: WO-MENntrepreneurs
Summary: The main objective of the project is to to provide support, knowledge, techniques and tools for young women who wish to become entrepreneurs.
General project data
Description: Eramus + Program
Number of expediente: 2016-2-MT01-KA205-015252
Dates of concession:
Dates of execution: 01/09/2016 - 21/08/2017
Presentation and objectives
Technical information on the project and its objectives
The main objective of the project is to provide support, knowledge, techniques and tools for young women who wish to become entrepreneurs.
The project partners will share and exchange experiences and from different local perspectives related to the development of the entrepreneurship. This transnational character brings great added value to the project, addressing issues such as employment and other social issues in different European environments.
The specific objectives of the project are as follows:
- Helping to through the creation of a network of advisors in the field of entrepreneurship
- Supporting to provide information and knowledge about the development of their business idea, and to provide information and knowledge about grants and subsidies for the creation of start-ups.
- To increase the entrepreneurship ratio at the local
The project will be supported by of mentors with experience in various sectors, who will be responsible for advising and mentoring, through a free service. Mentoring sessions will include practical information related to the areas of entrepreneurship; of the idea to the product, production, marketing, etc...
The project will connect organizations and political institutions, in order to implement and monitor policies related to gender equality. The The final result will also serve as a support for social agents, politicians, managers of public adult education and NGO leaders in charge of equality issues of gender. The project will also help to raise awareness and define paths for ensure equality of opportunity between women and men, through the exchange of best practices in Europe.
Participating entities (partners)
Call: Erasmus+ Program