The TEMIS project objective: Forty healthy young people, twenty young people obese, forty elderly and twenty patients with Parkinson's disease from France and Portugal will soon test different sorting technologies of lifestyles within the framework of a European project. The following will be elected as a sample of population groups with different activity levels physics. Technologies such as smartphones, smart wearables or controllers motion sensors such as those on game consoles will help them.

For a year and a half, six French, Portuguese and Spanish entities, among them the Technological Institute of Aragon (ITA) and Tecnara (Association of Information Technology, Electronics and Telecommunications Companies of Aragón), will work on the TEMIS project, whose objective is to to improve cooperation networks in the field of health technology.

In Toulouse, studies will be carried out on Parkinson's disease and will use the Kinect to evaluate the same parameters as those performed by a doctor in your practice, to compare effectiveness.

What we eat, how much physical activity we do and what type of physical activity we engage in determine our lifestyle. An unhealthy combination can end up causing disease to promote the progression of certain ailments, or to have a chronic, chronic important impact on risk factors.

The sphygmomanometer measures our blood pressure; a chemical analysis, the various metabolites present in our blood. But, how to measure our lifestyle? The usual way to learn about a patient's lifestyle is by means of interviews and questionnairesThe evaluations are as follows subjective and are not well quantified. They are working on this and we will know the conclusions and solutions provided by TEMIS later this year.

In TEMIS participate MEDES, CETEMMSA, CONETIC (through TECNARA) and ITA, as well as the University Hospital of Toulouse, in France; and in the Associaçao para Investigaçao e Desenvolvimento da Faculdade de Medicine (AIDFM), Lisbon, Portugal.

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