Technical management of the official precious metals laboratory

General project data

  • Description: Technical management of the official Precious Metals laboratory.
  • Bulletin No.: .
  • Issuing body: Department of Industry and Innovation of the Government of Aragón.
  • Date granted: 06/17/2004 (renewable every year).
  • Dates of execution: 01/17/2016 - 12/31/2016.

Presentation and objectives

The objective of the project is the implementation of object analysis made of precious metals (gold, silver and platinum) for the purpose of to determine their purity. It is a necessary operation and regulated by law and is executed prior to the contrasting of articles jewelry. The contrast is carried out by the Department of Industry and Commerce itself. Innovation of the Government of Aragon. In the laboratory, the following are also carried out analysis of objects made of precious metals that enter into the market. that have been manufactured in other countries. During 2016, the ITAINNOVA laboratory has obtained the ENAC accreditation for the performance of gold and silver analyses in objects made of precious metals.

Entities entrusted with the performance of tasks

  • Aragon Institute of Technology, ITAINNOVA.


  • Budget of ITAINNOVA: 35,000.00.

This project has been funded by the Department of Industry and Innovation of the Government of Aragon.

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