
General project data

Description: INNPACTO 2011 - 3D Media Systems and Technologies on Future Internet and Next Generation Broadcast Networks (SIRENA).
File number: IPT-2011-1269-430000.
Date of award: 20/12/2011.
Dates of execution: 07/01/2011 - 12/31/2013.

Presentation and objectives

The objective of the project is to define a scheme innovative distribution of multimedia content in multimedia networks. new generation telecommunications integrating the different networks from satellite through terrestrial to fiber optic access.

Concepts related to new very high resolution content formats, immersive 3D and user interaction will be developed. as well as their coding using MVC and SVC schemes. Similarly, special emphasis will be placed on the convergence of all the type of networks, services and terminals according to the principles of design for everyone, anywhere and everytime.

Participating entities

TELNET Redes Inteligentes, S.A.(project leader). S.A. de Productos Electronicos y de Comunicación. RETEVISION I, S.A. HISPASAT, S.A. Infraestructuras y Servicios de Telecomunicaciones de Aragón, SAU. EMBOU Nuevas Tecnologicas, S.L. I3 Television. Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). Aragon Institute of Technology (ITAINNOVA).

Call for applications

INNPACTO 2011, belonging to the National Research Plan. Scientific, Development and Technological Innovation 2008-2011, of the former Ministry of Science and Innovation.


Total bankable budget of the project: 1,919,060.13 . ITAINNOVA's bankable budget: 195,326.27 .


Total project grant: 356,220.89 . Total project loan: 1,316,103.59 . Grant to ITAINNOVA: 96,584.63 . Loan to ITAINNOVA: 94,706.55 .

This project has received funding from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.

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