
The SENDA project, within the framework of the regional call for proposals of Innoempresa, will promote the unification of criteria in the procedures for consulting SMEs as well as the implementation of solutions to them according to the results obtained by means of of these advisory services.

This set of actions will be developed by qualified personnel from the Aragonese ICT sector.

This project, which is committed to innovation actions in SMEs, will The General Directorate for Information Technology and Communication Technologies (DGTI) The Information Society is framed within the framework of its master plan.


  1. Trust. With these works the aim is to increase trust between the SME sectors ? ICT, assessing the need for qualified personnel in the development of a correct advice to the SME. There are many companies that do not value these "preliminary" works, which are the starting point of a new project are vital to the development of the project.
  2. SME competitiveness. With this The set of actions will enhance innovation in the company, improving your productivity as much as possible, eliminating costs, and and redundant management procedures, etc.
  3. ICT business. Lastly, the The ICT sector benefits from the increase in the volume of its business, either because they are going to provide services to new customers or because they are going to your existing customers will be requesting new products
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