Transnational Innovation and Technology Transfer Network

Project under the INTERREG III-B Community Initiative (2000-2006). European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


Promotion and stimulation of innovation and innovation technology transfer within development projects transnational corporations.

A transnational network for:

  • technological development of SMEs
  • transnational cooperation between companies, intermediary organizations and research bodies

Beneficiaries and territories

This project is aimed at companies and research and innovation players in the regions of the region. Midi-Pyrénées (Fr), Aragón (Es), Valencia (Es), Alentejo (Pt).

Services to companies

  • scientific and technical information website and virtual cooperation forum
  • technological resources of all partners: research laboratories, transfer centers, nurseries.
  • participation in the financing of SME technological development projects


France: Toulouse Chamber of Commerce and Industry - CCIT. 2, rue Alsace Lorraine, BP 606 - 31002 Toulouse Cedex F; Tel: +33(0)562576624 - Fax: +33(0)562576614; e-mail: europe@toulouse.cci.fr

Spain: Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón - ITA. María de Luna, 7 -50018 Zaragoza Es. Tel: +34 976716250 - Fax: +34 976716298 ; e-mail: cgomez@ita.es

Spain: Fundaciò Universitat Empresa de Valencia - ADEIT. Plaza de la Virgen, 3 - 46001 Valencia Es. Tel: +34 963983939 - Fax: +34 963983936 ; e-mail: aracil@adeit.es

Portugal: Agência de Desenvolvimento Regional do Alentejo - ADRAL. R. 24 de julho 1, 1st esq - 7000-673 Evora Pt. Tel: +351(266)769150 - Fax: +351(266)769156 ; e-mail: adral@adral.pt


France: Pôle Universitaire Européen de Toulouse. 39 allées Jules Guesde - 31000 Toulouse. Tel: +33(0)562258010 - Fax: +33(0)562258011; e-mail: alcouffe@cict.fr

France: Miditech. 14 rue Michel Labrousse - 31000 Toulouse. Tel: +33(0)561401617 - Fax: +33(0)561401617; e-mail: v.rande@miditech.net

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