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Regionsin Europe Coordinateand Optimiseinnovation and competitiveness instruments towaRDsimproving the Sustainability of Transport - The study case of SME's in the railway sector.
Description: Inter-regional cooperation project under the framework of the program Interreg Europe 2014-2020. Policy Coordination and Optimization and instruments to improve the sustainability of transportation, focusing on improving the R&D capabilities of SMEs in the food and beverage sector. railroad.
The RECORD project, approved in the third call for proposals under the Interreg Europe cooperation, will make it possible through cooperation between to coordinate and improve their development policies in the different European regions. innovation for sustainable transport, especially with regard to to rail transport. All participating regions include sustainable transport in their specialization strategy (RIS3).
To achieve this goal, the project will count at the local level, in a first phase of analysis, not only with the regional government itself, with all stakeholders, such as: logistics platforms, companies in the railroad sector, and others. public and private stakeholders in the logistics and logistics sectors. transport in Aragon. Through the exchange of experiences and good practices with the rest of the participating European regions, which is intended to to achieve a definition of policies and actions in support of the innovation by the companies in the sector in order to achieve a more efficient and competitiveness.
Special emphasis will be placed on actions to be defined and which may be implemented and evaluated at the time of the second year of the project, targeting small and medium-sized enterprises. companies, which usually find it more difficult to exercise an effective leadership role in innovation.
Interreg Europe Program. Research and Innovation Axis. 3rd Call.
This project has received funding from the European Union through the Interreg Europe Program.