Open Data for the Government of Aragon (2018)

General project data

  • Description: ORDER IIU/2281/2017, of December 28, by which the Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón is entrusted with the activities in 2018 related to the opening of data from the Government of Aragon.
  • Bulletin No.: 8.
  • Issuing body: Department of Innovation, Research and University.
  • Date of award: 28/12/2017.
  • Date of publication: 11/01/2018.
  • Dates of execution: 11/01/2018 31/12/2018.

Presentation and objectives

With the objectives of creating economic value in the ICT sector through the reuse of public information, increase transparency in the use of public information and the Administration, promote innovation, improve the systems of information and generate data interoperability. between public sector web sites, are attributed to the Department of Innovation, Research and University, the competences of elaboration and project and program management for the design and coordination of the data openness in the Government of Aragon and its implementation in collaboration with the different Departments and agencies of the Administration, as well as the dissemination of such data through the of the open data portal of the Government of Aragon( Aragón Open Data initiated the project of opening public data by Agreement of July 17, 2012 of the Government of Aragon, and on February 6, 2012 of the Government of Aragon. 2013, the portal was launched. Throughout this time, numerous works have been carried out that have new data and information available to the company's customers. third parties (citizens, companies, etc.). Today, the complex casuistry presented by the administration of the The autonomous public sector's role in the generation of data and information is reflected in the proliferation of a large number of web sites, subdomains and portals under or not related to this one. circumstances that make it difficult to access and use the information. by users and by the Government's own services. Aragon. For this reason, given the number of current websites, domains and portals of the Government of Aragon and by virtue of the competences to improve the information systems of the Administration; to generate data interoperability between public sector and adoption websites of technical standards in the field of information society, and in the particularly those related to interoperability, it is considered to be all institutional and company-related information must be available to the administration on the web, it can be compiled for the purpose of be offered from a single point, regardless of the domain, structure, or possibilities of the different current portals. Based on this approach, and on the competence of the opening of the data in the Government of Aragon, during 2017, from the General Directorate of e-Government and the Information Society, it is the Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón to study the feasibility of the retrieve all the institutional information offered on the website applying web crawling, spidering, or spidering techniques on the existing domains of the Government of Aragón, so that it could be exploited, analyzed and reused, and that it serves third parties (other web sites institutional, media, developers, or citizens) structured and controlled manner, with Aragón Open Data being the point of entry for the access for this purpose. In addition, the information obtained was intended to be used for the purpose of and, if necessary, to enrich, by means of real, practical cases, the operation of the Interoperable Information Scheme of Aragon. (EI2A) and the ontology In view of the results obtained, it has been observed that the feasibility of the proposed prototype and new aspects have been detected in which it is further exploration is needed. The aim is, on the one hand, to put the prototyping system in operation and on the other hand to analyze new possibilities. To this end, it is necessary to incorporate the prototype to a production system implemented in the infrastructures of Aragonesa de Servicios Telemáticos (AST), to develop on the aforementioned prototype system with language recognition services (and other cognitive services) with the challenge of understanding natural questions asked by a user and know what to answer, researching new services in the line of extracting knowledge from the unstructured information that the Government of Aragon has available, and continue to expand and evolve the Information Schema Interoperable Aragon (EI2A) with the definition of new concepts and relationships based on the information processed as a consequence of the actions indicated The work proposed follows in part the lines developed in the Order IIU/776/2017, of May 25, by which the Technological Institute of Aragon (ITAINNOVA) is entrusted with. the performance in 2017 of activities related to the opening of data of the Government of Aragon, being in this case complementary to this one, to the while exploring new lines of business. Its execution requires knowledge of highly specialized in the field of Artificial Intelligence, cognitive systems and semantic ontologies.

Entities entrusted with the performance of tasks

Project results

ITAINNOVA's actions are focused on:

  • Coordination, management, planning and direction of the work of the order throughout the entire duration of the order. development, to ensure that the execution and delivery of results are completed on time and within budget. to ensure the quality of the work and documentation. delivered and to coordinate cooperation among team members.
  • Preparation of an analysis report on the potential information capture services to be improved and developed for the extraction of unstructured information from the Government of Aragon.
  • Preparation of a general design report of the system architecture to support the selected experimental capture prototypes.
  • Development of prototypes and proofs of concept for information capture services, according to the analysis report and the design of the architecture of the system to be developed to cover the services of capturing and selected information. Development is responsible for the improvement/development of information capture algorithms to extract unstructured information, improvement/development of textural information processing workflows, etc. (categorization, application of data mining techniques, and data analysis). text processing for the extraction of concepts by means of Artificial Intelligence techniques, storage of the information to be stored and through Big Data technologies/databases) and the development of semantic tools that allow the exploitation of the captured information.
  • Technical support to the General Directorate of Electronic Administration and Information Society in its projects related to the integration of information capture services and semantic tools.
  • Development of a cognitive model of analysis and comprehension of questions, a prototype mode with natural language recognition services (and other cognitive services), which allows to understand by means of language a question asked and generate an appropriate response to the question. context, content of the knowledge base generated and based on the Interoperable Information Scheme of Aragon (EI2A).
  • Integration of the cognitive model within the architecture deployed in the project, allowing the web service to to understand the questions and make the Open project more powerful. Data.
  • Adaptation and improvement of the semantic model Interoperable Information Scheme of Aragon (EI2A). to structure in a homogeneous way the basic data collected to through the selected capture services, and to define relationships between them and properties in order to standardize information, automate its access and reuse.
  • Development of the Technical Catalog of Standards used in the EI2A to ensure that their use has an impact on improving the government's ability to Aragon to cooperate with other administrations and with the public, facilitating the exercise of the right of access to public information and the right to the socioeconomic development of Aragon.
  • Incorporation of data collected in Aragón Open Data through the analysis of the information extracted through the selected capture services and theanalysis of the way in which data can be published through the Aragón Open Data API.
  • Technical support in aspects of the Interoperable Information Scheme of Aragon (EI2A). for other possible proposals/projects underway in the Government of Aragón that must structure information according to this scheme.
  • Testing to verify and validate that all functionalities defined and developed meet the needs of the Government of Aragon.
  • Deployment of Big Data system and infrastructure Data (software and/or services for information capture, databases, etc.) NoSQL, web services, Big Data cluster processing and warehousing information through the use of Spark technology, etc.) in ITAINNOVA servers
  • Transfer of developments carried out in the infrastructure owned by the Government of Aragon (AST) once the system deployed in the ITAINNOVA infrastructure is sufficiently stable
  • System transfer through the a data plan report specifying the way in which the data will be used and the in which the data collected will be transferred, stored and managed, as well as as well as the requirements of the machines in production.
  • Dissemination of the system through the organization of two dissemination days to publicize the work carried out.


  • ITAINNOVA budget: 115.200

In order to carry out the tasks entrusted to it, the Department of Innovation, Research and University will assign to ITAINNOVA the 115,200 (one hundred and fifteen thousand and two hundred euros), which will go with from budgetary applications

  • 17040 G/5424/609000/91001 in the amount of 40,050
  • 17040 G/5424/609000/14201 in the amount of 40,050
  • 17040 G/5424/227006/91001 in the amount of 17,550
  • 17040 G/5424/227006/14201 in the amount of $17,550

and to the PEP 2012/000354, of the Budget of Expenditures of the Autonomous Community of Aragón for the 2018 fiscal year, conditioned to the existence of adequate and sufficient credit from the two applications. This action is eligible for funding under the Program. Operational ERDF 2014-2020, in the priority axis 2 of Improving the use and quality of and access to ICTs.

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