Open Data for the Government of Aragon (2016)

General project data

  • Title: ORDER IIU/461/2016, of May 9, by which the Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón is entrusted with the activities in 2016 related to the project for the opening of the data from the Government of Aragon.
  • Bulletin No.: 100.
  • Issuing body: Department of Innovation, Research and University.
  • Date of grant: 09/05/2016.
  • Date of publication: 05/26/2016.
  • Dates of execution: 05/26/2016 11/30/2016.

Presentation and objectives

With the objectives of creating economic value in the ICT sector through the reuse of public information, increase transparency in the use of public information and the Administration, promote innovation, improve the systems of information and generate data interoperability. between public sector sites, is attributed to the Department of Innovation, Research and University, the competences of elaboration and project and program management for the design and coordination of the data openness in the Government of Aragon and its implementation in collaboration with the different Departments and agencies of the Administration, as well as the dissemination of such data through the of the open data portal of the Government of Aragon( The Aragón Open Data initiative was launched by the Agreement of July 17, 2009. 2012 of the Government of Aragon. The order ordered the initiation of the project to open up public data and on February 6, 2013, the implemented through the portal Throughout this time, numerous works have been carried out for to achieve automation in the publication of information in order to ensure that third parties can reuse it in the best possible way. Given the data volume that is starting to exist, within the line of work of automation in information management, are starting to become more and more important. of special relevance are all those elements that help in the improved structuring of information and standardization of data contained in the databases. Based on this, within the General Directorate of Administration and Information Society, the idea arose to generate a set of technical and legal rules that allow to deepen in this area standardization and that lead to think about the creation of the Interoperable Information Scheme of Aragon (E2IA). The E2IA thus emerges as the framework in which open data and in information from the Government of Aragon can begin to be used as a general information automated in a much more profound way. The E2IA must have a series of technical, organizational and legal elements that is necessary to develop. For this reason, it has been entrusted to the Aragon Institute of Technology (ITAINNOVA) carry out actions consisting of identify, to study and analyze current research trends and technological developments in relation to ontologies and dictionaries of interoperability of data, define the ontological proposal, realize the the necessary tests to validate the ontological proposal and generate the necessary the text and web versions of the ontology.

Entities entrusted with the performance of tasks

Project results

ITAINNOVA's actions in this project have been focused on improving the interoperability of the Government of Aragon's information. The activities have been carried out to identify, study and analyze the current research trends and technological development in relation to ontologies and data interoperability dictionaries, define the ontological proposal, carry out the necessary tests for validate the ontological proposal in the domain of the Government of Aragon and generate the text and web versions of the ontology. Throughout this time, numerous works have been carried out for to achieve automation in the publication of information in order to ensure that third parties can reuse it in the best possible way. Given the data volume that is starting to exist, within the line of work of automation in information management, are starting to become more and more important. of special relevance are all those elements that help in the improvement in the structuring of information and in the standardization of the data contained in the databases.


  • Budget of ITAINNOVA: 50,000.00.

This project has been financed through the Department of Innovation, Research and University of the Government of Aragon and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

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