General project data

  • Description: MODCOMP (MODified Cost effective fibre based structures with imprOved Multi-functionality and Performance). Call for Proposals NMP-22-2015 - Fibre-based materials for non-clothing applications.
  • File number: 685844-2.
  • Date of award: 12/11/2015.
  • Execution dates: 04/01/2016 - 03/31/2020.

Presentation and objectives

The objective of the MODCOMP project is to develop new techniques for the functionalization of carbon fibers and for the introduction of CNT and CNF (carbon nanotubes and nanofibers) nanoreinforcements for to obtain composite materials with superior characteristics and multifunctional. ITAINNOVA is leading the project together with the Politecnico di Torino the simulation-related work package computational. With respect to the specific activities of ITAINNOVA, the challenge is to understand through multiscale modeling of the materials, the relationship between manufacturing processes and final properties. This ranges from the analysis from the atomic structure up to the determination of the characteristics at the macro level, passing through all the intermediate scales of material structure description: nano, micro, milli.

Participating entities

The MODCOMP project has 17 partners from different countries. European countries: Spain, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Belgium and Sweden. Among them, those who collaborate with ITAINNOVA in the field of computer simulation are:

  • Politecnico di Torino.
  • National Technical University of Athens.
  • NCC - National Composites Center Operations Ltd.
  • Swerea SICOMP AB.

Call for applications

Horizon 2020. Research and Innovation Framework Programme. Call NMP-22-2015 - Fibre-based materials for non-clothing applications.


  • Total bankable budget of the project: 9,398,406.25 €.
  • Fundable budget of ITAINNOVA: 264,000.00 €.


  • Total project grant: 7,980,036.25 €.
  • Grant to ITAINNOVA: 264,000.00 €.

This project has received funding from the European Union through the H2020 Program. Research and Innovation Framework Programme under grant agreement nº685844

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