General project data

  • Description: Horizon 2020, within the topic NMBP-05-2017. "Advanced materials and innovative design to improve functionality and aesthetics in real estate high value-added consumer products".
  • Docket number: H2020-NMBP-2016-2017
  • Date of grant: 20/04/2017
  • Dates of execution: 01/01/2018 - 31/12/2020

Presentation and objectives

The MATUROLIFE's goal is to develop new materials that are capable of to offer assistive technologies for elderly people with a high degree of aesthetic design and functionality. The challenges are therefore new materials and design. 3 pilots will be generated to test these technologies assisted living with the elderly: Armchair (in which the partner participates) Aragonese MUEBLECONFORT), shoes and clothing.

The project has commenced on January 1, 2018, and will have a duration of 3 years. The The consortium is made up of 20 partners and coordinated by the University of Coventry.

ITAINNOVA is the leader of work package 6, which consists of the integration of the materials generated in the pilots, ensuring the functionality and safety of the pilots and the creation of the Big Data platform to obtain information from the themselves.

Participating entities

1 (Coordinator) Coventry University (CU) UK
2 (Partner) Eurocarers - Association Européenne Travaillant Avec Et Pour Les Aidants Non-Professionnels (EUC) BE
3 (Partner) Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistycyny w Siedlcach (SIED) PL
4 (Partner) Association for the Promotion, Research, Development and Technological Innovation of the Footwear and Related Industries of La Rioja (CTCR) EN
5 (Partner) Calzados Pitillos S.A. (PIT) EN
6 (Partner) Luksja Sp. z o.o. (LUK) PL
7 (Partner) Institut Français du Textile et de lHabillement (IFTH) FR
8 (Partner) Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón (ITN) EN
9 (Partner) Bertin Aubert Industries (BAI) FR
10 (Partner) A-Gas Electronic Materials (AGAS) UK
11 (Partner) Printed Electronics Ltd (PEL) UK
12 (Partner) Muebleconfort (MC) EN
13 (Partner) Emo SNC (EMO) IT
14 (Partner) Plasmachem Produktions-Und Handel Gmbh (PLAS) DE
15 (Partner) Univerza v Mariboru (UM) SI
16 (Partner) Innovation Service Network Podjetnisko in Poslovno Svetovanje Doo (ISN) SI
17 (Partner) Age Platform Europe Aisbl (AGE) BE
18 (Partner) Geds Teknoloji Hiz. ve Dan Ltd Sti (GEDS) TR
19 (Partner) International Project Management, Plating and Materials (IPM2) FR
20 (Partner) Sensing Tex S.L. (SENS) EN

  • Program H2020, within the topic NMBP-05-2017, focused on "Advanced Materials. and innovative design to enhance the functionality and aesthetics in high value-added consumer goods.


  • Total bankable budget of the project: 5,114,777€.

"This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 760789."

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