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Europe's rail industries require a radical change in technologies and design for the next generation of rail vehicles. Thus, to remain globally competitive, the European rail industry needs to adopt breakthrough technologies and designs for the next generation of vehicles that also allow flexibility according to passenger demand. This innovation has to come hand in hand with novel materials and modular design concepts that allow rolling stock to remain a benchmark in terms of efficiency and comfort compared to that of other emerging markets.
The objective of IP1, where the Mat4Rail project is framed, is to improve train performance and reliability, increase capacity and energy efficiency, and reduce costs in the life cycle of materials. Innovative materials and modular design for rolling stock are now considered key to success in Europe's railway industries. The unique properties of composite and hybrid materials, such as lightness or ease of forming in complex geometries, have demonstrated a high potential for lighter, more energy-efficient and cost-effective structural components in relevant sectors such as the aeronautics and automotive industries. However, one of the additional challenges posed by the project is for the structural composite materials to meet the Fire, Smoke and Toxicity requirements of the railway sector with the same guarantees as current solutions.
The main objectives of the Mat4Rail project are summarized in the following points:
Mat4Rail distributes its activities in two lines of work: Composite and hybrid materials with good fire resistance and Interior Design. The first line of work focuses on the development of polymer matrix composite and hybrid materials for the railway sector, which, in compliance with the demanding legislation of the sector, can replace metals in the primary structures of the carriages to achieve lighter rolling stock. These new materials must meet stringent requirements for fire, smoke and toxicity, mechanical performance and cost-effective manufacturing.
The second line of work (Interior Design) covers the intelligent modular design of train interiors to increase passenger carrying capacity and thus passenger comfort. Addresses the challenges and shortcomings of current rolling stock through modular designs that meet variable passenger demand over the operational life cycle of a train (approx. 30-40 years). This line of work is aimed at meeting this challenge in three subsystems: evolutionary seats, innovative "Plug & Play" systems and a state-of-the-art driver's cab.
Horizon 2020 - H2020 - JTI-Shift2Rail (TRS) Call:H2020-S2RJU-2017: RIA Research and Innovation Action.
Total bankable budget of the project: €3,495,216.25.
Bankable budget of ITAINNOVA: 197,187.50€.
Total project grant: €3,495,216.25.
Grant to ITAINNOVA: 197,187.50 €.
"This project has received funding from the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 777595."