Small charterers, transporters and other logistics SMEs need for affordable, reliable and cost-effective solutions to meet their needs. data exchange with a view to taking part in the international trade and trade flows. LogiCon has the to establish, verify and facilitate the adoption of solutions for the of low-cost data connectivity with minimal barriers.

The project aims to offer fast and affordable methods for logistics SMEs (transport companies or operators) so that they can data exchange networks established at the national and international level. local, national or international that allows them to collaborate and, possibly increase their profits.

The project aims to develop and verify these solutions in practical situations, with SMEs and platform providers in four real laboratories (Living Lab). The objective is to show the benefits of the approach in terms of quantifiable impact through:

- Better vehicle utilization and higher load factor;

- Better data quality and lower operating costs for SMEs;

- Improved synchronization of freight traffic through ports, by road or rail infrastructure (synchromodality).

Involvement of communities in Living Labs and at the European level is based on a clear identification of the business cases of the SMEs. The project aims to identify these cases and presents them to the SME communities themselves. This will eliminate this bottleneck in the face of a large-scale adoption. Some elements of the business case will be:

- Provision of the SME connectivity solution and related technologies, with the objective of achieving

mass adoption through low-cost procurement and automated, as well as through configuration and configuration processes. maintenance.

- Identification and awareness of the generation of value for the customers through the use of connectivity enhancements employed by the SMEs.

- Introduction of new freight models and activities that generate benefits that replace the activities that are to remain in place as a result of improved connectivity (e.g., by for example, loading to print a document, retyping documents or correcting errors in paper documents).

Finally, LogiCon's objective is to contribute to the development of the multimodality in the European transport system by allowing a single of the transport and logistics community in the region. Old Continent to participate in complex service networks synchromodal, in which collaboration, the exchange of information, and the information and real-time control and monitoring will be the key to key strengths in terms of competitiveness. The two first objectives are important ingredients to achieve this third objective. goal: the project provides the tools and the involvement and, as a As a result, the SMEs themselves will become involved in ongoing developments in or develop new concepts in their own work, or develop new concepts in their own work. own networks, with local partners or at the European level. The project has the objective of assessing the potential of this development and to support it. in the community participation strategy.


? ENIDE Solutions SL ? Spain

? Bluegreen Strategy srl ? Italy

? Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) ? Netherlands

? Instytut Logistyki i Magazynowania (ILIM) ? Poland



? MEWARE Srl ? Italy

? Aragon Institute of Technology (ITA) ? Spain

? Panteia BV ? Panteia/NEA ? Netherlands

? General Transportes Jovitrans ? Spain

? Meerendonk BV ? Netherlands

? BTC Gdynia S.A. ? Poland

? ULMAR ? Poland

? CallFreedom ? Poland

? Criado Logistics Group ? Spain

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