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The Department of Science, Technology and University of the Government of Aragón is launching the Conéctate project , consisting of in an itinerant installation throughout the different municipalities of Aragon. of an information point staffed by specialized personnel about Electronic Administration.

Conéctate is part of the initiative number eight of the II Plan Director for the Development of the Information Society in the Autonomous Community of Aragon called Dissemination and training for the use of ICT.


The objective of the project is to bring the use of the e-Government to the public and serve as a point of contact for the dissemination of information on the possibilities of its widespread use.

An Information Point or Exhibitor equipped with equipment and a professional use of the new technologies will enable the inhabitants of the municipalities to inform themselves, solve their doubts and practice. Connect pretends:

  • Disseminate e-Government: The design of the display is conceived to attract the public's attention and encourage its use.
  • Promote the use of e-Administration: It includes a computer equipment where knowledge can be put into practice. ?real? under the advice of a professional.
  • Citizen information: In addition, the specialist will show the people who come to see it concrete cases of the use of the e-Administration and how you can carry out procedures from any location. point by connecting a computer to the Internet.

?060 Service; Tax Agency; Civil Registry; Cadastre; Social Security; IMSERSO; Traffic; Electronic ID; Aragonese Health Service ; INAEM; Provincial Councils, City and County Councils, etc.?

This display is housed in covered public spaces for one morning at no cost.

The calendar for this activity extends through November 2010.


  • Government of Aragon: promotes the initiative, selects the municipalities and provides the contents.
  • The ITA: Manages the project, coordinating the different actors.
  • SCIENCE: Performs dissemination actions in the different municipalities.
  • The EELLs collaborate by providing public premises with electrical sockets and Internet connection and support the dissemination in its field of action,...
  • The inhabitants of the municipalities receive training

The collaboration of the institutions owning the centers would consist of:

  • Transfer of the premises for the duration of the information point's stay.
  • Internet (optional) and electrical connection.
  • Dissemination of the activity: by printing and posting the poster that we will provide.


To the general public.


Approach an information point.


See attached document.

* It will be updated as soon as a date becomes available, you can also check your center
MunicipalityCenterPhoneClassroom AddressDate
Ainsa Fairgrounds 974 570 900 974 570 900 September 4th
Almudevar Almudevar Cultural Center974 250 002Zaragoza Street ,42November 22nd
AndorraCultural Center978 842 011Plaza España, 1October 25th
ArizaTraining Center976 845 095 Paseo del Molino, s/n.September 28th
BelchiteCampo de Belchite County (A. E. A.)976830186Ronda de Zaragoza s/n.September 21st
CalamochaI.E.S. Valle del Jiloca Hall978 731 618C Zaragoza, 42October 22nd
DarocaMunicipal Toy Library976 800 312Plaza Comunidad, 2July 1st
GreeksCity Hall Plenary Hall 978 708022City Hall Street, 8September 22nd
LoarreTelecenter974 382 609Moya Square, 3 August 23rd
MequinenzaMequinenza Town Hall974 570 900 Town Hall Square, 5September 29th
RiclaMultipurpose Room976 606141Plaza de la Iglesia s/nNovember 15th
Rubielos de MoraCity Hall978 800 00019, Hispano America SquareNovember 8th
S. Esteban de Litera.Library Hall 974 430 002C/ Estaño,15August 10th
SadabaTown Hall976 675 055Aragon Square, 1August 13th
SariñenaFairgrounds 974 570 900 Avenida de Fraga, s/n - Recinto Ferial:September 17
ValderrobresMatarraña/Matarranya Region978 890 885Avda. Cortes de Aragón, 7July 30
VillarquemadoCultural Center978 86 70 06C/ San José 5August 5th.
*updated October 21, 2010
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