Knowledge Pills Methodology

What is it?

It is a training method that strengthens professional competencies. through the use of short recommendations or multimedia notes (pills). of knowledge). KPM's main tool is a short movie formative ? which presents how to carry out certain activities in the workplace, by reproducing day-to-day tasks in the workplace, and by day in an attractive format.

Knowledge Pills Methodology (KPM) is the outline of a Knowledge Pills Methodology (KPM) exchange efficient training and knowledge in the company. Uses a set of of tools designed to share knowledge and skills between workers with ease and efficiency.

KPM consists of short video tips, templates, guides?

The activities registered as "Knowledge Pills", can be be easily understood and imitated by high and low level employees qualification. The electronic format allows for easy distribution. If necessary, it could be made available online, for access by people with physical disabilities and to become an effective part of the of distance learning.

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