What are they?

Innovation Training Pills are a concept of punctual, autonomous and continuous training over time. Its contents address the different challenges faced by the company when it comes to incorporates innovation into daily practice.

They identify where and how to act and when to apply the variety of existing methodologies, actions and tools.

What do they want?

  • To know the different phases that make up the innovation process.
  • Strengthen the innovation capacity of SMEs and increase their competitiveness.
  • Facilitating the implementation of innovation in Aragonese companies.

What do they consist of?

In short courses with specific learning objectives and a eminently practical methodology that responds to two questions, how to specify innovative actions and activities or how to approach the different phases of the innovation process in the company, with the exposition of real cases.

To whom are they addressed?

To Managers, Heads of areas related to Innovation, R&D&I Directors, Technicians and Innovation Managers. In short, to anyone who is interested in improving their knowledge about this matter.

The Innovation Model

An Innovation Management Model (Cidem) has been adopted for to provide an overview and a structural framework for the various contents.

The model proposes that the origin of the innovation process lies in a need market need with a new product in order to satisfy that need. or process. The model segments the innovation process into four phases, not necessarily sequential and largely interrelated with each other. and the two horizontal blocks that provide a base and a base for the continuity to the whole innovation process.

Scheduling - planned seminars

The Innovation Pills are part of the activities of awareness of the business fabric to systematize innovation, included in the Innovation Strategy in Aragon: INNOVARAGÜN 2011-2012. A Program of Actions for the Promotion of Innovation in the Department of Science, Technology and University of the Government of Aragon in collaboration with the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

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