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Infoinnovación is an action co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Commission and the Government of Aragón, within the framework of the Objective 2 (2000-2006) Strategic Programming Document for Aragón.

Specifically, Infoinnovation belongs to Measure 4, Technology transfer and diffusion, within Axis 3, Knowledge Society (Innovation, R&D, Information Society).


Increase of innovation in Aragonese companies, through the acquisition of an innovative culture, the improvement of the technological offer, and the rapprochement between the University and the company. This action is in line with the conclusions of the RIS Program and the RIS+ of Aragón (definition of a Regional Innovation Strategy for the Aragón and Development of Pilot Projects in relation to the same, both in co-financed at 50% by the European Union and the Government of Aragon). Specifically, it drives the culture of innovation and internal change. in SMEs.


The Technological Institute of Aragon will promote innovation and transfer of technology among Aragonese companies, especially in the SMEs, promoting meeting points between the demand (companies) and the offer of innovation services.

The means used will be the new technologies of information to create business-to-business communication networks, the organization of workshops, conferences, seminars, presentations, etc. As well as the dissemination of information through the traditional media of communication (press, specialized magazines, etc.)


Entities and/or persons who, in the above context, have an interest in to participate in or be the subject of information in connection with this measure You can contact ITA, mentioning the reference Infoinnovación, through:


Fax: 976716298