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Development and Design of the HDI based on the RD53A readout chip for the new CMS-PHASEII pixel detector.
For several years, CERN has been defining a program to upgrade the LHC particle accelerator. This program, called High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), aims to extend the lifetime of the accelerator and increase its luminosity. This challenge is forcing LHC experiments such as CMS to develop a specific R&D program to upgrade the sub-detectors. One of the sub-detectors in which most technological development is being carried out is the CMS pixel sub-detector. The large amount of data to be processed, the high ionizing radiation and the high magnetic field present in the sub-detector area are forcing the development of new technologies for each of the elements of the pixel detector (readout chip, HDI, sensors and the power system).
The HDI is a flexible PCB that integrates the main components of the pixel detector. This element requires a complex design in order to meet the system requirements of low material, magnetic field and radiation resistance. Its development is closely related to the other components of the system and it is critical to ensure the correct functioning of the pixel detector.
Therefore, the present project aims to design, develop and test a prototype of the HDI ("High density interconnection") of the new generation of pixel detectors of the CMS experiment for the high luminosity phase of the LHC. The design will be based on RD53A chips and will implement EMC-based design techniques to control electromagnetic noise in the system, minimize transients generated outside the module and define a high frequency grounding structure to simplify the final integration of the detector.
TOTAL ITAINNOVA budget: 84,303 €.
TOTAL ITANNOVA financing: 84,303 €.
"The project "Development and Design of the HDI based on the RD53A readout chip for the new CMS-PHASEII2 pixel detector, HDI4CMSPIX with reference LMP170_18 is funded 50% by the Department of Innovation, Research and University of the Government of Aragon and 50% by the European Regional Development Fund ERDF Building Europe from Aragon.
Building Europe from Aragon