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The gamification is the key methodology of the Toolkit that will be used to project to carry out this training, which will be developed in the project. involves a deployment of experimentation, problem solving, communication, networking, critical thinking, contextualization and transferability of knowledge in the real world, all of which is presented in the in a playful environment. The project assumes the objective of designing and implementing effective strategies to improve basic skills for professionals and to increase incentives for the training of professionals and to adults by providing an engaging learning environment.
The association prepares an e-book containing an analysis of the status of the of art in the countries of the consortium and in general in the EU environment. in relation to training opportunities, methodologies, and training internships for professionals working in the sector social, with minors, immigration, etc...
In addition, it develops and presents a modular training system on the platform multifunctional online GVETS, which concentrates on the improvement of skills for a wide range of professionals. The tools of The built-in assessment tools provide the opportunity for both students and teachers to as well as the trainers to follow the progress. The tools of validation and recognition, together with an adaptation plan, will achieve to bring training centers and other educational establishments on a par with to be able to include this training program in its training program. center programming and assigning credits through the ECVET system.
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Program