Factories of the Future Resources, Technology, Infrastructure and Services for Simulation and Modelling 2 (Fortissimo 2)

EXPERIMENT: Cloud-based multiphysics simulation for designing highly dynamic and highly accurate flow controls for microfluidic applications

General project data
  • Description: H2020-FoF-2015. FoF-09-2015 - ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS)
  • Identification number: 680481
  • Dates of project execution: 01/11/2015 31/10/2018
General data of the experiment
  • Description: Second call of experiments of Fortissimo 2
  • Experiment execution dates: 01/05/2017 31/10/2018.
Presentation and objectives of the experiment

The the objective of this experiment is to open up a commercial opportunity Elvesys, a French engineering and manufacturing SME, is a relevant company for Elvesys. Plug and Play control systems for research microfluidics. The objective is to install in the cloud a library of simulation models of microfluidic devices that can be used to simulate easily interconnect to virtually test the configuration of the microfluidic system before physically constructing it. This will allow Elvesys and its customers to examine the system's hardware microfluidic before building or buying it, select parts to the specific objectives and to develop better flow control algorithms. The development of this system requires the use of HPC resources for launching and solving simulations multiphysics that reproduce the behavior of the components of the system, as well as to analyze the data resulting from such simulations. The latter will allow the derivation of reduced order models. (ROM) of these components. These ROMs can then be interconnected to build virtual circuits and run virtual tests for all the integrated microfluidic chain, linking different physical domains and control algorithms in the simulation of the complete system. The cloud Fortissimo will be used to host the graphical user interface that will guide the latter throughout the entire process.

Entities participating in the experiment
  • Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón ITAINNOVA (Project leader).
  • ELVESYS (End user).
  • Gompute (HPC provider)
Call for applications
  • Identifier: Fortissimo 2 Call-2
  • Call title: First call for new Fortissimo 2 application experiments
  • Project full name: Factories of the Future Resources, Technology, Infrastructure and Services for Simulation and Modeling 2
  • Acronym: FORTISSIMO 2
  • Grant agreement number: 680481
  • Total bankable budget of the experiment: 163.00 €.
  • Fundable budget of ITAINNOVA: 750,00 €.
  • Total grant for the experiment: 168,163.00 €.
  • Total loan for the experiment: 0 € 0
  • Grant to ITAINNOVA: 108.750,00 €.
  • Loans to ITAINNOVA: 0 €.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 680481.

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