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The EVE project proposes an approach based on the intensive exchange of personnel that leads to a sustainable research and training between universities and universities of applied sciences. industrial organizations in Germany, Belgium, Spain, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States South Africa and the USA. The synergetic effect of the EVE network is will be applied in the development of innovative chassis control systems. integrated. The work of ITAINNOVA in the project consists of:
Marie Curie.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program through grant agreement no. 645736.
The technical objectives of the EVE project are to develop models of reference for tires in both on-road and off-road conditions, the development of vehicle models for real time operation and the design of chassis control methods with active compensation for external and internal disturbances. All of this will result in concrete innovations for the companies of the more specifically on the improvement of safety, efficiency and The evolution of new components (brakes, active suspension, wheel pressure control) and the preparation of an distributed test bed by combining the capabilities of the different partners. In addition, the collaborative nature of the project, based on stays in the different locations of the partners results in the creation of networks and private centers, and in a transfer of knowledge between public and private centers. direct knowledge.