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Description: INNPACTO 2012 - EMBAGRA (INNPACTO 2012-
EMBAGRA - Development of a new generation of functional packaging
with low-weight, high-performance paper and cardboard).
File number: IPT-2012-0748-420000.
Date of award: 17/12/2011.
Dates of execution: 01/01/2013 - 03/31/2015.
The general objective of this project is to develop a new generation of functional packaging with paper and paperboard. low grammage cardboard with high performance in terms of load and load resistance and humidity.
In order to achieve this general objective, it is essential to obtain a set of safety factors that allow estimating the reduction that creep and humidity will cause in the water content of the water. the compressive strength of the packaging, with the objective of to optimize paper and cardboard to the maximum using the least amount of paper and cardboard. possible grammage to ensure the functionality of the packaging.
Total bankable budget of the project: 709,770.00 . ITAINNOVA's bankable budget: 181,700.00 .
Total project grant: 181,700.00 . Total project loan: 448,859.50 . Grant to ITAINNOVA: 181,700.00 .
This project has received funding from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.