The purpose of this project is thecreation and dynamization of a specialized network of advisors for microenterprises and the self-employed on ICT innovation that will contribute to increasing the competitiveness of microenterprises and the self-employed.

Other objectives of the project are as follows:

  • Creation of a network of advisors for micro-enterprises and the self-employed on ICT innovation.
  • To create a Charter of Advisory Services based on ICT innovation, in order to establish a common methodology and tools for the whole SUDOE territory.
  • Creation of an online meeting point through which to dynamize the network of ICT advisors for companies and freelancers and provide technological feedback among experts.
  • Improve the microenterprise and self-employed consultancy capabilities of the organizations that are dedicated to this task through their training in the tools developed and tested in the first phase of the project, and complementing their specialized training in business management by providing them with specific knowledge in technological innovation applied to microenterprises and the self-employed.

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LINKEDIN: E-Incorporate 2

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