The Department of Industry and Innovation of the Government of Aragon and the Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón have signed an agreement an agreement, which regulates the Aragonese Innovation Strategy, for develop, during 2015, specific training and development activities for the innovation training, equipment acquisition and expansion of infrastructures.

The actions that are the object of this Agreement have their origin in achieving the objectives of the Aragonese Strategy Innovation (EAI), developed by the Department of Industry and Industry, and Innovation of the Government of Aragon, under the terms of the agreement signed with between the then Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Community of Madrid. of Aragón for the development of the State Strategy for the Innovation.

To achieve the general objective The agreement provides for the execution of the agreement by the Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón of the following actions:
INSPIRA Training Program, based on the programs Eminnova training programs and Innovation Workshops, aims to contribute to the Aragonese companies with training and inspiration that will drive them to innovate.
INNOIDEA training program, in support of the entrepreneurs in the development of their technological projects in which they will the Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón contributes with its experience and know-how in their development.
Technological Routes Program to help SMEs in Aragon to generate a technology aligned with their business model.
FOROINNOVA Program , scholarships for the training and insertion of technologists and innovation managers.
Identification of opportunities and innovative projects. Through three lines of action: Dissemination and awareness-raising actions, action information to Aragonese SMEs; consultancy action in the search for information and preparation of proposals for the financing of projects in the area of innovation and technological development.
Scientific-technological equipment.Remodeling and adaptation of the ITA-1 building.

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