General project data

  • Description: DIEMETEN (DIseño de Empenajes MEtálicos con nuevas Tecnologías de ENsayos).
  • File number: RTC-2015-3938-4.
  • Date of grant: 02/12/2015.
  • Dates of execution: 04/01/2015 - 12/31/2017.

Presentation and objectives

The DIEMETEN project (DIseño de Empenajes MEtálicos con nuevas Tecnologías de ENsayos) is led by the private company AERNNOVA Engineering Division (AED) The project is led by the private company AERNNOVA Engineering Division (AED), with the participation of two Research Organizations: the Center for Aeronautical Technologies (CTA) and the Technological Institute of Aragon (ITAINNOVA). . Aernnova as a company in the aeronautical sector is dedicated to the procurement of large aircraft structure components commercial, having a Tier 1 role, i.e., a first tier supplier, and level to OEMS. The general objective of the project is, on the one hand, to improve the design process of metallic gaskets through the development of calculation and simulation tools, and on the other hand, to facilitate the certification process by optimizing fatigue and damage tolerance tests. More specifically, the following specific objectives are proposed:

  1. Develop calculation and simulation methodologies and tools. to optimize the design required by the metallic empennages of the next generation of regional or single-aisle aircraft up to 120 (reduction of inspection times in operation, longer inspection times, increased structural requirements, etc.).
  2. Promote the introduction of the peenforming process at the industry by bringing state-of-the-art technology closer to the aeronautical industry. requirements that the OEMs impose to enable the gradual use of this process in its current and future programs, and placing AERNNOVA in a position to supply this technology, which is currently in its infancy but is with non-European suppliers.
  3. To develop new advanced testing technologies that allow for reduction of testing times and consequent market release of the new components.
  4. Validate previous technological developments with trials on physical demonstrators (specimens, panels and full-scale demonstrator), from minimize the implementation risks in projects future business.

ITAINNOVA is focused on developing a simulation tool to support the design of the peenforming process. peenforming process , used in the manufacture of this type of panels. The result at will provide an improved simulation methodology for this process.

Participating entities

  • AERNNOVA Engineering Division (AED) (as project leader).
  • Center for Aeronautical Technologies (CTA).
  • Aragon Institute of Technology (ITAINNOVA).

Call for applications

Challenges-Collaboration of the year 2016, of the State Research Program, Development and Innovation Oriented to the Challenges of Society, in the of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Technological Development. Innovation 2013-2016. Main objective: To promote technological development, innovation and quality research.


  • Total bankable budget of the project: 1,956,040.70 .
  • Bankable budget of ITAINNOVA: 194,775.00 .


  • Total project grant: 614,535.00 .
  • Total project loan: 1,017,775.76 .
  • Grant to ITAINNOVA: 194,775.00 .

This project has been co-financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, as part of the State Program of Research, Development and Innovation Oriented to the Challenges of the Society, within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific and Technological Research and the Technical and Innovation 2013-2016 .

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