General project data

File number: TSI-020302-2008-116.
Award date: 11/28/2008.
Dates of execution: 01/01/2008 - 31/03/2009.

Presentation and objectives

ComposeTour intends to develop a framework of tools based on the composition of web services for the creation of tourism enterprises with a high capacity to adapt to new and changing market needs.

The tourism sector has emerged as one of the most important industries where rapid responsiveness and adaptability to changing new market demands, such as those imposed by the tourism individual, is a basic issue in order to maintain the competitiveness in the sector.

In this ever-changing environment, it is imperative that the the destination's main tourism stakeholders to join forces in order to be able to to offer new products and diversify its offerings in new markets. Web service composition technologies are an important interesting component to help develop this vision. These technologies appear to have matured sufficiently in the marketplace to to be able to make a specific approach to the case of tourism in the framework of the project.

The objective of the ComposeTour project is the improvement of the creation of virtual tourism companies that are adaptable to the new needs of the market based on the composition of the services offered by suppliers or agents at destination. This main objective can be achieved by The following specific objectives can be broken down into the following specific objectives: Creation of an infrastructure for the description of web services provided by the tourism providers, which will constitute the the basis for the composition of more complex web services for niche markets. more specific markets. Development and deployment of a cataloging, registration and registration infrastructure and discovery of web services necessary for companies to The new virtual systems are equipped with the necessary means to provide access to and composition on existing web services. Development of a middleware for the execution of web services. and a tool for the graphical edition of processes. distributed from the composition of web services.

Participating entities

ATOS Origin Sociedad Anónima Española (as project leader). Intelligent Software Components, S.A. IBIT Foundation. Robotiker Foundation. European Software Institute Foundation. Aragon Institute of Technology (ITAINNOVA).

Call for applications

Telecommunications and Information Society Strategic Action. Year 2008.


Total bankable budget of the project: 1,490,522.00 . ITAINNOVA's bankable budget: 159,013.00 .


Total project grant: 329,311.90 . Total project loans: 402,779.01 . Grant to ITAINNOVA: 47,703.90 . Loans to ITAINNOVA: 59,629.88 .

This project has been co-financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Industry, Tourism and Commerce, within the National Research Plan. Scientific, Development and Technological Innovation 2008-2011.

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