General project data

  • Summary: CMSRUN2 is a coordinated project of Experimental particle physics for team participation Institute of Physics of Cantabria (IFCA), the Center of Physics of Cantabria, the (IBM-CNM) and the Instituto Tecnologico de Microelectronics (IBM-CNM) and the Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón (ITAINNOVA) in the CMS physics experiment of the laboratory European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). .
  • Description: Participation in the LHC CMS experiment: Run 2 and high-luminosity upgrade (CMSRUN2)
  • File number:FPA2014-55295-C3-3-R.
  • Date granted: 04/09/2015
  • Dates of execution:01/01/2015 31/12/2017 (1 year extension -31/12/2018).

Presentation and objectives

The CMSRUN2 project is a coordinated project in particle physics. experimental for the participation of the research teams of the Institute of Physics of Cantabria (IFCA), the National Center of Microelectronics (IBM-CNM) and the Technological Institute of Aragon (Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón). (ITAINNOVA) at the CMS physics experiment of the European particle physics (CERN). The coordinated project endowed with 1,3 million, is aimed at the development of new products and services for the technologies for the upcoming pixel detector upgrade of the CMS experiment planned for after 2020, as well as to reinforce the Spanish collaboration within the current physics and physics program, and maintenance of the experiment.

ITAINNOVA's activity in the project will be focused on the design of and construction of an innovative power distribution system with high current consumption at very low voltage while minimizing the amount of material used and interference fememons electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) between the pixel sensor and the components of the power system.

Participating entities

  • Institute of Physics of Cantabria (IFCA)
  • Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM)

Call for applications

State Program for Research, Development and Innovation Oriented towards Society's Challenges within Modality 1 (R&D&I Projects), within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Development of Innovation 2013-2016


  • Fundable budget of ITAINNOVA: 102,850.00 .

A way of making Europe
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

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