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Description: INNPACTO 2012 – ARTECOIN Design and Development of new joint control and inspection processes. elastic oriented to zero defects. File number: IPT-2012-0942-020000. Award date: 12/17/2012. Dates of execution: 01/01/2013 – 06/31/2015.
The project, led by the company Caucho Metal Productos II, S.L. and executed in collaboration with the Technological Institute of Aragón, has as a general objective the development and adaptation of industrial technologies oriented towards the generation of a process of controlled vulcanization for elastic joints for suspensions, and the generation of efficient and effective defect inspection processes. automated systems for these parts.
In a highly competitive sector such as the automotive industry, a differentiating factor is the reliability of the processes that must be oriented to zero defects. The quality indexes required in the automotive industry are of such a degree of requirement that a few defective parts determine the qualification negative supplier performance, generate very high overhaul costs, and are insurmountable barriers to accessing new productions with international customers.
In this environment, this project aims to achieve a significant reduction in non-quality costs by monitoring and improving the control of the vulcanizing process and the automatic verification of the quality of the manufactured parts by means of image processing techniques.
Caucho Metal Productos II, S.L.(project leader). Aragon Institute of Technology (ITAINNOVA).
Total bankable budget of the project: 801,554.15 . ITAINNOVA’s bankable budget: 199,474.00 .
Total project grant: 199,474.00 . Total project loan: 511,768.13 . Grant to ITAINNOVA: 199,474.00 .
This project has received funding from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.