ACTIS 2020-2021

Project title:

ACTIS 2020 -2021

General Data:

Program: COSME
Ref. No.: 879880
Contract signing date: 01/31/2020
Execution date: 01/01/2020-31/12/2021

Presentation and objectives:

The Enterprise Europe Network is a network promoted by the European Commission, currently under the Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW), and is funded by the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs Program (COSME).
The Enterprise Europe Network is the largest business support network established in Europe by the European Commission and is present in more than 50 countries worldwide. In Spain, more than 60 organizations grouped in 9 consortiums offer the Network's services and provide support to companies.
The ACTIS consortium is one of these 9 Spanish consortia and offers its services in 5 Autonomous Communities: Aragón, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura, La Rioja and Navarra. The network's objectives include the following:

- To provide support services to companies (especially SMEs), technology centers, universities, etc., in areas such as European legislation, improving competitiveness, promoting innovation, internationalization, etc.
- Implement the "no wrong door" principle, which facilitates access by companies to the information and services made available to them through any network partner.

To achieve these objectives, the Enterprise Europe Network makes the following services available to companies:
- Innovation Support: to improve innovation management capabilities in SMEs and develop projects financed by EIC (European Innovation Council) programs.
- Business cooperation opportunities: identify and disseminate business opportunities among companies, provide advice on various topics related to the internationalization of business activities, organize business meetings to promote business cooperation agreements.
- Technology cooperation opportunities: identify and disseminate technology offers and demands, provide advice on issues directly related to technology transfer, organize technology transfer events to foster technology cooperation agreements.
- Opportunities for participation in European projects: organize seminars for the dissemination of European funding programs, organize specialized training seminars for participation in European funding programs, identify and disseminate searches for project partners for European program calls.
- Information on European regulations and policies, specialized training seminars on innovation and European topics to improve companies' capabilities, etc.

Participating entities:

Technological Institute of Aragon (ITAINNOVA)
Economic Development Agency of La Rioja (ADER),
Navarre Industry Association (AIN),
Toledo Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI TOLEDO),
Confederation of Businessmen of Aragon (CEOE ARAGON),
Confederation of Businessmen of Albacete (FEDA),
Federation of Companies of La Rioja (FER),
FUNDECYT Foundation - Science and Technology Park of Extremadura (FUNDECYT-PCTEX),
University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM),
University of Navarra (UNAV).





The ACTIS 2020-2021 project (879880) is 60% co-financed by the European Union under the COSME program.


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