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We are not aware of the amount of electromagnetic fields we are exposed to on a daily basis. The evolution and rise of the electrification of products has increased the levels of exposure to which people, and more intensely workers, are exposed.
These levels of exposure can generate biological or thermal effects in people, especially those with greater sensitivity, with serious consequences for their health. Electromagnetic safety tests allow companies to reliably control and implement measures to ensure the health of workers.
For Electromagnetic Compatibility testing, Directive 2014/30/EU applies, whereby the manufacturer assumes responsibility for its equipment, electrical and/or electronic product.
To ensure the safety of electrical equipment the manufacturer must comply with the essential requirements of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2014/30/EU: Satisfactory operation in its electromagnetic environment; Emission of electromagnetic disturbances limited to a level that allows other apparatus in the same environment to operate as intended; and Level of immunity against electromagnetic disturbances produced by equipment in the same environment operating as intended.