CE Marking Specialization Course CE Marking Specialization Course

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Course objective

This course is designed to provide specialized, updated and practical training on CE Marking. Any company wishing to develop or acquire a product or machine within the European Union is obliged to obtain the CE Marking, which certifies compliance with all safety requirements demanded by the EU.

In addition, the course includes a module on human exposure to electromagnetic fields to ensure compliance with Directive 2013/35.

The importance of CE Marking

The CE marking, a symbol of the conformity of certain products to the essential requirements of safety, health and consumer protection, guarantees the safety and free movement of these products within the European Union.

This is an essential and mandatory legal requirement for these products to be marketed or put into service.

Specialization program consisting of 6 courses

1 introductory course

5 independent courses


Curso 0: Marcado CE: reglamentos y directivas necesarios para comercializar productos en la UE

The CE MARKING roadmap is aimed at technical managers, designers of electrical and electronic products and machines, electrical installers, quality managers and technicians, and in general any economic agent (manufacturer, authorized representative, importer, distributor) who wants to market a product within the European Union. Also to the people in charge and technicians of occupational risk prevention, both to evaluate the compliance of the equipment to be installed within the company and to carry out the risk assessment against electromagnetic, mechanical, electrical fields, etc. of its facilities.


Curso 1: Directiva de máquinas 2006/42/CE y expediente técnico

The module “Machinery Directive. Documentation” of the 2006/42/EC directive, is aimed at design engineers, engineering managers and manufacturers of machines, automations, installations, as well as other products to which the directive applies, such as lifting accessories, self-propelled machines, quasi-machines, etc. It is also aimed at technicians and people in charge of occupational risk prevention, authorized representatives, importers and distributors.


Curso 3: Compatibilidad electromagnética EMC 2014/30/UE: Directiva y ensayos

The “EMC 2014/30/EU Electromagnetic Compatibility: Directive and Testing” module is aimed at technical managers, designers of electrical and electronic products and machines, electrical installers, quality managers and technicians, and in general any economic agent (manufacturer, authorized representative, importer, distributor, logistics service providers, intermediary service providers covered by the E-Commerce Directive) wishing to market or put into service a product within the European Union.


Curso 4: Directiva de equipos radioeléctricos RED 2014/53/UE

The module “Radio Equipment Directive RED 2014/53/EU” is aimed at technical managers, radio product designers, quality managers and technicians, and in general any economic agent (manufacturer, authorized representative, importer, distributor, logistics service providers, intermediary service providers covered by the E-Commerce Directive) wishing to market or put into service a product within the European Union.


Curso 5: Directiva de exposición humana a campos electromagnéticos EMFD 2013/35/UE

The module “Human exposure to electromagnetic fields” is intended for technical managers, radio product designers, quality managers and technicians, and in general any economic agent (manufacturer, authorized representative, importer, distributor, logistics service providers, intermediary service providers covered by the Directive on electronic commerce) wishing to market or put into service a product within the European Union. It is also aimed at occupational health and safety personnel to assess the exposure of workers to electromagnetic fields.

You can take the complete program, thematic packs or individual courses.

Complete program

It consists of 5 courses, plus course 0: Introduction; CE marking: regulations and directives required to market products in the EU.


Machine Pack

  • Course 0: Introduction; CE marking: regulations and directives required to market products in the EU.
  • Course 1: Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and technical file.
  • Course 2: Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU: safety objectives and tests.
  • Course 3: Electromagnetic compatibility EMC 2014/30/EU: Directive and tests.


Electrical and Electronic Pack

  • Course 0: Introduction; CE marking: regulations and directives required to market products in the EU.
  • Course 2: Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU: safety objectives and tests.
  • Course 3: Electromagnetic compatibility EMC 2014/30/EU: Directive and tests.
  • Course 4: Radio Equipment Directive RED 2014/53/EU.


Individual courses

They include Course 0: Introduction; CE Marking: regulations and directives required to market products in the EU, free of charge.


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