Supplementary plan for advanced materials

Supplementary plan for advanced materials

Supplementary plan for advanced materials

Project title:

Advanced Materials Supplemental Plan

General data:

Program: Transformation and Resilience Recovery Plan and Aragon Funds

Reference: Complementary Hydrogen Plan Agreement

Resolution date: 02/ 11/ 2022

Date of execution: 01/01/2021-29/09/2025

Presentation and objectives:

The Advanced Materials Program brings together 6 autonomous communities (Aragon, Catalonia, Castilla-Leon, Valencia, Madrid and the Basque Country) and aims to consolidate R&D&I activity in the area of Advanced Materials, supporting scientific leadership in strategic lines and promoting collaboration between the participating Autonomous Communities through a research master program, The aim is to promote synergies between research centers, technology centers and companies in order to accelerate innovation and technological development and contribute to job creation.

Participating entities:

  • University of Zaragoza
  • Institute of Nanoscience and Advanced Materials of Aragon
  • Aragon Institute of Technology


3,080,000.00 €.



Total project grant:
2.000.00,00 €.

Total financing ITA:
375.050,00 €.

Rest is Co-Financing Aragon:
This action is co-financed under the Advanced Materials Complementary Plan Agreement: 65% by the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, framed within the “Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan – Financed by the European Union – Next Generation EU” and the rest is co-financed by funds from the Autonomous Community of Aragon.
The expenses assigned to the MRR projects are financed at a rate of 100%.

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