
Project name

SensorEquip -Sensorization of equipment and application of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technologies and Big Data Analytics for production and/or maintenance management intelligent.

Execution period

File number:

The project

The objective of this project is to analysis of sensor technologies that, together with the information from the obtained from the control parameters of production equipment, The application of Industrial Internet technologies will allow, from the application of (IIoT) and Big Data Analytics, an intelligent control of production and/or maintenance. Based on the study and analysis of these use cases will be evaluated and their feasibility will be analyzed with the objective of defining possible implementation projects.

Project objectives

Technical information on the project and its objectives:

At this project will study the possibilities that the new technologies can offer. technologies offer for the improvement in the processes that can be performed from several points of view through the collection and exploitation of information in production systems. Currently, there are different Industrial Internet (IIoT) technologies, Data Analytics and BigData that allow the generation of knowledge in the field and represent a new revolution in tools to support industrial production. decision making. From the point of view of the use of technologies in the new industry 4.0, the project focuses on the capture, the
storage, and exploitation of information.

In order to achieve this objective, the following specific objectives are proposed:

  • Ranking and assessment of various sensor and system technologies electronic devices in relation to the physical variables to be measured (location Indoor mobile systems, pressure, temperature, humidity, power consumption, speed, vibration, flow rate, etc.). At this point the integrate the analysis of sensorization systems with the ability to processed in-situ, known as Edge Analytics.
  • Analysis of different production processes (plastic injection molding, plastic forming, plastic metalworking, machining, welding, etc.) for parameter identification and matching with the relevant control and sensor technologies previously identified.
  • Analysis of different protocols for IIoT communications (MQTT, COAP, etc.) for communication of information from machines and industrial processes with the corporate systems and/or the cloud.
  • Analysis and evaluation of available information, both from the equipment itself as well as from external sensors, for the study of Big Data Analytics technologies that can be applied in your company. exploitation for the extraction of knowledge.
  • Description of use cases and possibilities for the application of these technologies in the intelligent production and/or maintenance management, taking into account criteria of efficiency, productivity, flexibility, cost savings, quality improvements, operator safety, etc.
  • Generation portfolio of potential projects for the implementation of production and/or maintenance based on these technologies.
The project includes the following five work packages:
  • Technology watch of sensor technologies and industrial communications.
  • Analysis of production processes.
  • Characterization of technologies for information management and knowledge extraction.
  • Use cases.
  • Dissemination of results and generation of project portfolios

Participating entities:

  • CAAR (Coordinator)

Call to which the project belongs

Innovative Business Clusters

This The project has received grant assistance under the support program for Innovative Business Groups (AEIs). This program to support the strengthening of innovation clusters se the European strategy to improve the competitiveness of the European Union’s innovation.

The groups that can benefit from the grants of the program are those entities whose innovative potential and mass are The critical acclaim has earned them recognition from the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO) through its registration in the Registry of Innovative Business Groups.

Budget: 57,288.11

Financing: 40,101.00