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Description: INNPACTO 2011 – Hospital del Mundo. File number: IPT-2011-1042-900000. Award date: 12/21/2011. Dates of execution: 05/05/2011 – 12/31/2014.
It is an advanced system of Multi-platform Unified Communication and Collaboration for the industry and care, based on a software platform that enables multipoint communication via high-quality videoconferencing, the multipoint sharing of any type of application in the environment and the recording and archiving in high-resolution sanitary proprietary and standard wmp and vm formats.
Dialcom Networks S.L.(project leader). Answaratech S.L. Aragonese Health Service. Aragon Institute of Technology (ITAINNOVA).
INNPACTO 2011, belonging to the National Research Plan. Scientific, Development and Technological Innovation 2008-2011, of the former Ministry of Science and Innovation.
Total bankable budget of the project: 1,435,169.00 . ITAINNOVA’s bankable budget: 219,217.90 .
Total project grant: 432,367.80 . Total project loan: 948,861.14 . Grant to ITAINNOVA: 215,217.90 .
This project has received funding from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.