AIDA 2020

The European project AIDA-2020 brings together the leading research centers in Europe in the field of biotechnology. particle physics that together with a remarkable number of institutes, universities and technology centers, intend to develop new technological developments for the future generation of detector technology. infrastructure specially prepared for this purpose. validate these developments.

A total of 56 entities from 19 countries and CERN are involved in this coordinated project, which includes activities that include networking, transnational accesses and joint activities of research, all of them aligned with the European Physics Strategy. of Particulate Matter.

The Technological Institute of Aragon (ITAINNOVA), which is leading one of the work packages, is one of the five Spanish centers (IFCA-CSIC, CNM-CSIC, CIEMAT, IFAE participating in the project.

The main objective of ITAINNOVA in AIDA 2020 is to make available to detector designers their knowledge, equipment and unique installations to carry out the electromagnetic characterization of detectors by applying electromagnetic characterization techniques. Electromagnetic Compatibility in order to minimize the levels of electromagnetic noise present in this equipment by design.

The AIDA 2020 project has received funding from the European Union’s research and innovation program. European Horizon 2020 under grant agreement no. 654168.

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